I love what Keysha said about not apologizing for slacking on blogging. So I don't have to either...

Ellie had her first violin recital last Saturday. For only playing for a few months, she did really well and looked so pretty.

Don't know if you have all heard our puppy story. After buying that little Pug last summer and having it die of Parvo a week later, my girls have been begging me for a new dog. Since Bret has been working in Utah, I thought a new puppy may fill the void a little for the girls so I have been trying to find one. I thought I had found the perfect one and brought him home from Ogden a couple weeks ago on a Monday. The girls loved him and he was so cute. "Chubby" loved Ellie but ran from Brylee. Anyways....on Friday night the owner called me and begged for the puppy back. Her story was so sad and I just couldn't say no. I talked to Ellie about it and she agreed it was the right thing to do. So after a week we gave the dog back. That's strike two and I have officially been cured of my need for a dog. My kids haven't, but i am done. We are gonna get a turtle.

I love this pic

Ellie also had her first gymnastics performance for the parents and she got a medal.

According to my friend this was my, "Bad mothering moment". I took the girls to Carey for Mother's day and Brylee spent the entire time in the chicken coop with grandmas new little chickens. Brylee cried non-stop for grandma's chickens when we returned home and it did not stop. On Thursday morning she was crying so hard when I dropped her off at daycare and I just figured she would stop. She usually does. But after one hour, the babysitter called me to tell me I had t come get her because she was still screaming and upsetting all the other kids. The school couldn't find me a substitute so I had to bring Brylee to school with me. She was still screaming for the baby chickens. I relaly needed to teach my classes so I promised her we would go buy baby chickens if she would be good for me at school. She was an angel all day and just absolutely perfect. When we got to the pet shop she said, "Mom we need to buy two so they can be best friends." So we got two.

They were fun for about 10 days and then I found them a permament home. By then Brylee had gotten over them and I have not heard a word since.

I love my two girls

We have caught a couple lizards around our house this spring. They are super fast and so hard to catch. but....once you catch them they are so calm and hardly move. I think they are too afraid to. But anyways the girls can play with them unti they get tired and then they let them go.

One of Brylee's many dress-up moments
Oh Ash, that chicken story is so funny. And I'm so sad that you had to give your dog back!
So I should be getting to pocatello around July 7th or 8th. Hopefully I can stay with you a night or so and then that saturday is our 5K run in Boise (and, no, you can't back out :-) I'll call later about it all.
Who was it that found the chicks a good home? Don't worry every mom has there moments!! you are great!! i'm glad you have yours every once and a while since you are the saint of the group! love ya!
Yes sorry there is a correction, Nichole found the chickens a good home. She sent me a text saying she found a solution to my "bad mothering moment." I love you Nichole.
Brylee is such a doll! I can't believe how big she is now! I saw Jason last week and reminded him how he palmed her head (haha). Let's just say, he no longer has a baby-phobia. :) Ellie is growing up too! She's starting to turn into such a young lady!
It's about dang time lady! Freakin' chickens! So glad Nichole found them a home before my kids had to come see them. Yucky! You're girls are so dang sweet. I just love them. Elli did such a good job on her talk today in primary. I was really glad I got to see her do it. Love you so much!
Good update. The pictures are really cute and your puppy looked sweet. Kaylee would have loved him. I think we are getting a fish.
Oh fun update! Your girls are so darling; and I love Ellie's hair! (I didn't know she was a violin player! Impressive). Sorry about the dog and the chicken.....do you still have your hamster??? We're looking forward to the family reunion, and sorry about this past weekend....the timing was bad! Next time you are around we need to get together.
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