So not many know this but I recently returned from an adult-only all-inclusive resort vacation to Cancun Mexico. I went with my friend Nichole Rammell whom I have known since Kindergarten. She is currently my neighbor and we are great friends. We have been planning a trip like this for a while now but it never seemed to happened. Then the right opportunity came around so we just went. It was the most amazing trip I have ever been on. I read three books and almost finished a forth. We had a lot of fun but also relaxed a lot. It was exactly what I needed. Bret did awesome with the girls, he even had to clean up a lot of puke because they all caught the flu. I am so grateful to Bret for encouraging me to go on this trip.

We went parasailing/sky-riding and the views were incredible. I loved every bit of it. They asked us if we wanted a splash when we came down. We said "sure" not exactly knowing what that entailed. So when they brought us down, they brought us down fast and we crashed into the ocean. That was the splash and it was so unexpected the first time. Then it happened again!! It was awesome!!!!!

We took a boat over to Isla Mujeres (The Island of women). They let me drive the boat. When we got there we went snorkeling and saw the most colorful fish I have ever seen. I also saw a Baracuda and our guide caught a lobster which I got to play with.

When our boat docked they had a fenced off area next to the dock with a Nurse Shark. They let us swim with it and hold it. It was pretty crazy. it was really strong and took me off gaurd.

We rented a golf cart and drove around the island. We went to a turtle farm which I loved because turtles are my favorite.

This is the view of our resort from our hotel room balcony. We had incredible views and the resort was amazing. I am done cruising!! An all-inclusive resort was so much better and I can't wait to go again. I think bret and I are going back here next May/June for our 10-year anniversary if anyone wants to join us.
Good Times!!! Love Ya!
What a nice, RELAXING trip! Now that we live so close to the boarder, I've gotta go down there and check out the resorts in Mexico. You've convinced me- what a beautiful place!
Wow! My girls night out only consists of a dinner and a movie! Now what you did sounds amazing! We will be celebrating our ten year next year too, and we will have a baby coming one week after our anniversary, so there won't be much traveling for us! Too bad! Cancun is where we spent our honeymoon and we LOVED it. Will just catch you on the twenty! No babies by that time!
Wow Ash! Thats awesome! Cancun sounds wonderful. And I agree that all inclusives are the way to go. So next may or june??? I'll let Frank know and see what he says. We wanted to do a trip next summer anyways.
love ya,
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