i am: Ashlee Rae Scherer
i think: I'm becomming a blogger
i know: my husband loves me
i want: no debt
i have: so many projects to do around my house
i wish: I wouldn't raise my voice at my kids. (Kami can you help me out with this one?)
i hate: yelling at Ellie
i miss: Kris and Ken
i fear: losing Brylee - she's a wanderer and a runner!
i feel: great - most of the time
i hear: the answering machine. (I am at bret's parents and didn't want to answer the phone)
i smell: some kind of lotion - ellie must have found some of her grandma's
i crave: Chocolate - the sympony bar with Toffee
i search: for something to buy Bret - and it never fails, he always returns it.
i wonder: if we will move again in 10 months!
i regret: not spending more time with those I love when I lived close to them like Kris and Kami.
i love: my family
i care: how my friends and family view me.
i always: kiss my girls
i am not: an athlete
i believe: life is good
i dance: with Ellie
i sing: to ellie every night. She picks from I am a Child of God, Heavenly Father, I like to look for Rainbows, or I love to see the Temple. I use to read to her, now she reads to herself and then I sing.
i don’t always: say my prayers
i write: very little.
i win: with Bret - he lets me do and have what I want.
i lose: to ellie at most games - I have to or it is not fun.
i never: swear
i listen: to Hannah Montana and High School Musical soundtracks
i can: teach math!
i am scared: for our way of life, I don't want it to change
i need: peace in my home
i am happy about: my girls
I tag all who read this.