The Scherer's all went to Alturas for our family reunion. We rented the lodge and 3 cabins. Only a select few would brave the ice cold lake, Ellie among them. I don't know if you can see her face but it is one of complete shock. She jumped in to have a swim and couldn't get out fast enough. I really wish you could enjoy the lake more but I couldn't even keep my feet in it.
Everyone made fun of Brylee's big head. The helmets that all the other 2-4 year olds wore wouldn't even come close to going over Brylee's head. But we found one that worked and she loved wearing it because that meant she could go on the 4-wheeler.
Frank bought a boat a few months ago for $500 and was so proud of it. I suggested testing it out before we hauled it to Alturas but that suggestion was overlooked. Before we left we bought life jackets, a new rope, and a tube for the kids. Everyone was so excited to see it be put in the water for the first time. It started right up and took off. We all cheered!!! About 20 yards out, the boat died. I think Bret flooded it. They tried for a while to restart it and then realized it was filling with water. Ken had to go out in his paddle boat to take them an oar and bring them in. They used sand buckets to throw the water out and when the boat came out of the water there was a water fall flowing from the entire back end. Luckily bret flooded it just a little ways off shore or it would have sunk for sure. And...I don't know if Bret and Frank could have swam back in that ice cold water. A lesson learned!!!!!

Ken and Kris brought this paddle boat and it was so fun. Brylee loved it and threw the biggest fit when she had to given someone else a turn.
We had two 4-wheelers up there and Ellie learned how to drive one all by herself. She is actually a good little driver. She has also learned how to drive a moe-ped (Spelling?) and is determined to convince us to buy her one. Ellie was a little annoyed that she had to stop and let me take a picture. Attitude at age 7, please help me!!!
Grandma P made a quilt and everyone that spent time tying or sewing the quilt got to put their name in a pot for each 15 minutes of work. Then a name was drawn and the winner took home the quilt. Here is Brylee trying to help Grandma!! Grandma P also told us her life story and gave us all print-outs of stories about her ancestors. We were able to record it with the video camera and it was a special experience.
Brylee loves swimming and usually the cold doesn't bother her but this water was a different story. So she settled on sitting in her tube on the sand.
We went to redfish lake as well and rented paddle boats there. The mountains still had snow and were so beautiful. The Scherer's had heard about the Annual Peck Survivor game and asked me to do it for them. So we played survivor and it turned out very well. We had a wonderful time and are ready to camp again for the Peck Reunion in a few weeks.
How sweet!
I love those paddle boat things too, I don't blame Brylee for not wanting to give others a turn. I was the same way at Girl's Camp last year. She and I would get along just fine.
I loooove the boat story, that is classic, you should have grabbed your video camera for that one.
Everyone looks soo good! I miss you guys!
Thanks Ash!! I loved seeing the pictures of my sweet girls. Thanks for taking the time to put them on your blog. The boat story could well have been your dad, you know! That's funny-poor Frank...Love you guys
Good times! That story about the boat is soooo funny.
So I'm sad to say that there's a good chance we're not going to the reunion. We're still not certain. We've just got to watch every dollar these days so it'll just depend on that and all that jazz. We'll let everyone know asap.
love ya.
You will have to tell me more about how the survivor game went. That water must have been some kind of cold if Brylee wouldn't even get in because I have seen her in action where cold water doesn't even phase her.
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