Yes!!! I have been bitten!!!

Ok so I just have to tell all of you the whole story just in case some of you have not heard it already. So a few weeks ago my door bell rang at 9:30 pm. I opened the door to a guy in a tux who delivered me a party invitation on a silver tray with an apple. The invitation was just as nice as any wedding invitation. (See Below)

Bret left Friday night for Twin and took the girls with him. So I had 30 hours of girl time. Wow!!! what an amazing husband. Anyway my friend Nichole and I started our party off with getting our nails painted at 1:00 at JC Penney. Black of course with red flowers. Then we car pooled with a few others and went to Chillis for apetizers and virgin drinks. We then headed to the parking lot to await our LIMO!! The limo's took us to the party which was Macina Price's home. She must have spent days getting her home ready for this. Furniture was moved out to provide more room. All the pictures were replaced with Twilight posters and vinyl lettering sayings. There was a room to get the bite mark tatoos and nails painted. Men in Tux's served us treats and drinks before and after the party. 225 girls attended this party by the way!!!!!!!!


oops they posted out of order. Anyways this is us at the Theatre

Red carpet entrance from the limo to the Theatre Doors

In the limo

getting in the limo

The four of us with our dark hair!!

My Twilight Treasures!!! So upon ariving, we get a T-shirt and a gift bag. Inside were so many cute Twilight Treasures. They went to a lot of effort to get all these surprises. There was an umbrella, a mug, "a Highlighter for a Twilighter", "A kiss from Edward" mint, A Forks Highschool Biology 101 notepad, Twilight trading cards, vampire teeth, and business discount cards. I was very impressed and love my treasures. She also had red apples in bowls all over her house that had vinyl Twilight lettering on them. I can't believe the time put into this.

This is Nichole and in the middle my friend Jodi. Her sister is Macina who hosted the party. They had made a question and answer video clip about the book that they played opn the big screen while everyone was showing up. Then they created their own preview about a normal house wife who became obsessed with the book and started ignoring her household and motherhood duties. It then showed her starting to think of guys on the street as possible vampires. Bret was one of these guys in the movie. He feels famous now for being on the big screen. Jodi was the girl in the movie. It ended with her sister Macina waking up thinking someone was in her room, her husband telling her it was just the books and that all was ok, giving her a hug. Then his eyes turned red!!! Very Cute!!

Then prior to the movie starting they did a little skit. Jodi was Bella, Macina's husband was Edward, and they had a Jacob. I have to admit Edward looked so good and all the girls were asking him to bite our necks for pictures since we all had the bite mark tatoo. He was a great sport and so was Macina for allowing us to all borrow her husband for the night.

Us with the Edward look a like!!! He colored his hair and even wore make-up for this. What a man!!!!

Playing with my Umbrella.
Oh and Stephanie Meyers Aunt lives her in Pocatello and owns Papa Kelseys. Her Aunt and her husband were at our party and told stories of Stephanie Meyer when she was little. It was fun.
Well that was my party. It was well worth the $40, infact I think they better charge more next year.
Thanks Macina and Jodi and all. I loved it. Already looking forward to New Moon.
When i was picking the background out i thought, "i bet ashlee is going to use this one." Just remember who was done with it first. Thanks for a great weekend!!
Oh my word Ash! NOw thats a party. I can't wait till the next movie comes out too! I'll have to try and throw a big bash for it.
Good luck this week on your huge Thanksgiving get together!
Looks like a great time. I want to go with you to the next one. Sign me up!
Wow, I just went to the movie with cris' mom and aunt. I really liked it though.
You still just look so good woman, I miss you guys, hope your thanksgiving went how you wanted it to.
Love you!
Ashlee, I was on facebook and saw Nichole's blog so I looked at it and when I saw her pictures from the Twilight party I thought oh my heck that looks like Ashlee Peck. Such a small world. I asked Jared about you on his facebook page but he didn't say much! How have you been? Tara Roberts McCoy (email:
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